Beauty by the Beach
Welcome to The Mbar! A diverse Medpsa where you can enhance your beauty and achieve younger, better looking skin

Skin Tag + Mole removal
What are skin tags? These are the hanging skin growths that form on the surface of the skin. They can occur anywhere on the body but are particularly common in the face and neck regions–which are highly visible.Skin tags are benign tumors. They are harmless and non-cancerous, though many people don’t like their appearance and want to get rid of them.
How does it work?
The plasma pen is used to discharge a series of tiny plasma flashes (electric current) on the treatment area. effectively removing skin tags, moles, spots, cherry angiomas, warts + freckles in minutes!
What is the recovery?
There is little to no downtime following the plasma pen treatment. You may notice scabbing or swelling, though most people go back to their normal activities very quickly. The most important thing to remember while your skin is healing is to not pick at the scabs–let them fall off naturally on their own. This will only take a few days up to a week, so be patient so you can avoid causing discoloration or permanent scarring to the area.
Once all the scabs and crusts have fallen off, you can go back to washing your face and applying makeup as normal, though you should still avoid direct sunlight for a few weeks as your skin remains highly sensitive.

Micro-needling is recommended post this procedure to even out the skin texture*
Mole removal
Mole removal goes a little deeper into the skin as these growths can grow back. A micro-needling treatment post procedure is recommended as the pen has to go deeper into the skin to be sure the growth does not grow back.